AGM Reports 2023

Galf Chumann Ceann Sibéal

CCB/AGM 2023


  1. Miontuairiscí CCB 2022 / Minutes of AGM 2022
  2. Miontuairiscí EGM 2022
  3. Tuairisc an Chathaoirleach / Cathaoirleach’s Report
  4. Tuairisc Bainistíochta / Management Report
  5. Cuntas Airgeadais / Financial Accounts
  6. Toghchán Iniúchóirí / Election of Auditors
  7. Tuairisc an Chaptaein / Golf Captains’ Reports
  8. Tuairisc an Chursa / Course Report
  9. Pleanáil / Planning Report
  10. Tuairisc Galf as Gaeilge / Galf as Gaeilge Report
  11. One Club/Women in Golf
  12. Junior Club
  13. Toghchán ball choiste / Election of members to serve on the Management Committee.
    Nominated for election : John Gilligan,

Proposed by :Denis Power, Seconded by :  Ann Moore

Nominated for election : Rory Mc Avinue,

Proposed by : Ann Moore    Seconded by : Austin O’Briain

  1. Motion : That the Management Committee put in place the changes necessary to enable the election of a single Club President as soon as is practical.

Proposer: Margot Wall

Seconder: Frank Wall

  1. Uachtaráin 2024 / Announcement of names of incoming Presidents
  2. Táille bliantúil / Fixing of annual subscription and green fees for 2024
  3. Aon Ghnó eile / Any other business






Minutes AGM 2022 


 29u Deireadh Fómhair 2022     

 I Láthair: 87 members attended the meeting.

Apologies received from 4 members for their inability to participate.

Tuairisc an Chathaoirligh (Denis Power):

Circulated in advance

 A very good year for CS. Emerged from the restrictions arising from Covid-19 in good shape. A very significant increase in green fee revenue.

Cormac Flannery appointed in January as Sales & Marketing manager.

Club successful in its application for a Sports Capital grant €76,690.

Thanked the Mgt. Committee and staff and also David O’Connor and his team.

Going forward- expansion of the car park and redevelopment of the short game area. Course development programme to continue over the Winter / Spring months.

Progress the long-term development plan for the clubhouse.

Steve’s decision the retire marked the end of an era.

Stepping down following the AGM as Bainisteoir Airgeadais.

 Miontuairiscí / Minutes

The minutes of the previous AGM held on 23th October 2021 were circulated in advance (and available on the club website) were read and approved. Proposed by Nóirín Uí Shúilleabhain and seconded by Mary O’Driscoll.

 Nithe Astu / Matters Arising Ní raibh faic.

 Tuarascáil  an  Chistóra / Treasurer’s Report

Circulated in advance

Steve Fahy and Eoin Barrett read and explained the treasures report for the year ended 30th Sept. 2022. The auditor produced bar charts / graphs showing income from membership fees / age analysis for Ladies & Gents.

Treasurer’s Report proposed by Bernie Firtéar and seconded by Maire Ní Mhaoileóin.


Ath-Cheapadh an Iniúchóra / Election of Auditor’s

Seán O’Sullivan & Co. reappointed as auditors.

Proposed by Steve Fahy & Seconded by Mary O’Driscoll.

 All the following reports were circulated in advance of the AGM

Captaen na mBan (Margot Wall):

Onóir mhór bheith mar Chaptaen na mBan.

Bliain an-thaitneamhach. Only one competition cancelled due to weather.

Thanked the Ladies and the local businesses for sponsoring and Toyota of course.

Thanked the ladies who were stepping down from Committee and also the ladies who served on the various committees/ sub-committees during the year.

€1,500 donated to Camphill.


Captaen na bhFear (Micheal Lenihan):

Started off in November with all counting competitions even though mats were in use. Good turnout every Sunday. Ventry Cup & Club 4/Ball played.

All men’s club teams were out of their respective competitions by early July.

Congrats to Colm Lundon on winning Duais an Chaptaen.

Thanked all the sponsors, JJ and his team and Steve/ Paul in the Proshop and also the Mgt. Committee for their support.(Both reports proposed by Fiona Mulcahy and seconded by Margaret Power).

 Tuarascáil an Chúrsa / Course Report ( J J Corduff):

Greens: following a greens maintenance program started 5 years ago.

New organic products to improve soil health.

Greens overseeded with 100% fescue.

Compost tea brewing done in house.

All tee boxes over seeded and top dressed.

Urged members to use the divot bags.

Aeration to commence in November.

Development: Next phase of Ken Kearney’s course improvement programme adding sandscapes between 7th & 8th along with two new bunkers. Close two back bunkers on the 11th green creating run offs. Additional sandscapes in between 11th & 14th fairways and lower have of the 13th.

3 extra summer staff employed.

Thanked all the members who participated in the Meitheals.

Purchased a rough mower & a fairway mower (both 2nd hand).

Thanked Jerry Keane and the Mgt. Committee.

Tuarascáil Pleanála / Planning Report :

Design submitted as part of the successful application for a Sports Capital Grant.

Examined options to address car park capacity.

Following extensive study, the chosen approach is to redesign the Practice area to fit

The area between the current putting green and the old 1st tee.

Car park capacity to increase by removing the current 2island”.

Plan to address a requirement for golf cart storage.

 Above reports Proposed by Deablan Ó Bríc and seconded by Adrienne O’Donovan.

Galf as Gaeilge

Cuireann Steve / Paul failte roimh cuairteoirí agus baill as Gaeilge ma bhíonn dúil acu a ngnó a dheanamh trí Ghaeilge.

Ta fógraí timpeall a chlubtheach ar iarraidh daoine a spreagadh a Ghaeilge a úsaid.

Dha chiorcal cainte eagraithe ar Zoom.

Comomórtaisí “beaga” a reachtáil ó am go ham ina mbeadh béim ar úsáid na Gaeilge.

Plé deanta ar Chomórtas Naisiúnta Bliaintiúil a bhunú a reachtalfaí go hiomlan as Gaeilge.

Plaiceanna a reiteach le hainmneacha na bpoll as Gaeilge. 

Sales and Marketing Report

Focused on the Sales and marketing of the Club.

Udaras na Gaeltachta acknowledged for their support.

Goal this year was primarily an awareness campaign.

Creation of databases for Visitors / Societies / Tour Op’s etc.

Course continues to improve in the rankings.

Improve overall experience at Ceann Sibéal- more focus on TO’S.

More meet and greet / Complimentary Dingle Whiskey / caddy programme up and running.

Worked with DPTA and also featured at the Big E fair.

Attended the PGA show, the Irish Golf Convention and the IGTOA conference.

An excellent year from a green fee income perspective.

Goal for next season is to improve overall visitor experience.

 Premises Report

 Slow progress on a long-term plan for the clubhouse.

A proposal received from Frank O’Mahony of Wilson Architects re. development of a plan for clubhouse improvement.

Members to be consulted on how they would like to see the clubhouse improved.

 Tuairisc Sláinte & Sabháltachta / Health & Safety Report

No incidents or near misses to report.

H&S audit carried out by an external safety company - Ayrton

A number of issues highlighted – all dealt with.

Netting to be installed between 5th Teebox and the shed.

Safety lift installed in the shed. Above reports Proposed by Muiríde Uí Chruadhlaoich and Seconded by Orla Barry.

One Club Model Background: Golfing unions merged into One Governing Body in 2019, producing a more streamlined Munster Branch support structure for Mens and Ladies committees of CS.

A member survey was completed in the summer- members of CS in agreement to move towards some form of a One Club Structure.

Information on the options available to golf clubs

Fast check on the current status at CS – possible to use the data to determine how best to proceed.

Women in Golf Report 2022

Information on Bronze / Silver / Gold Commitments.

 Report Proposed by Bernie Firtear and Seconded by Margot Wall.

Junior Golf

Mgt Committee adopted Golf Ireland’s Junior Policy and completed a risk review for Junior Golf. All regular volunteers were Garda Vetted. 8 weekly junior coaching programmes. €8k funding received to support Junior golf.

Toghchán ball go dtí an gCoiste Bainistíochta

Election of Voting Members to serve on Management Committee:

Men’s Club nominee: Denis Power

Elected member nominees: Helena Uí Churrain & Charlie Barry.

All the above elected by the meeting.

Uachtaráin 2023:

Maura McKenna was the incoming Uachtarán na mBan

Gearóid Mac Gearailt was the incoming Uachtarán na bhFear.

 Táille Bhliantúil /Annual Subscription & Green Fee rate for 2023.

Management Committee proposed the following:

No change in the member’s subscription for 2023.

Green fees rates for visitors and Societies: €120 / €140 and set proposed.


No additional business / discussion. 



EGM Minutes

EGM Galf Chumann Ceann Sibéal


D’oscail Gerry Keane an cruinniú.

Fáilte roimh chach agus go raibh maith agaibh as teacht.

Súil aige go raibh fhios ag gach éinne cén fáth go rabhadar anseo.


Purpose of EGM

To discuss, and if thought fit, to approve and if approved, to authorise the expenditure of up to €309,262 to redevelop and expand the Club’s car park and redevelop the Club’s practice area.

By adopting the following motion:

“That the Management Committee be authorised to expend a sum nor exceeding €309,262 in the redevelopment of the Club’s Car park and practice area and to borrow a sum not exceeding €180,000 by means of a members’ Debenture scheme.”


Why the motion:

To upgrade the substandard surface of the car park and to increase capacity.

The Sports Capital Grant funding gives us the opportunity to significantly upgrade the practice area.


  • a welcoming first impression on arrival
  • complement the high standard of the course.
  • Prudent financing
  • Establishment of a debenture scheme- tax efficient return of 5% pa.
  • Management / Mens and Ladies committees unanimously endorse the project.
  • Member approval in general meeting required to proceed.

 Key Points of Debenture Scheme:

  • Member invests €3k for a period of 3 years.
  • Club pays 5% or coupon through a €150 deduction from annual subscription for 3 years.
  • Club sets up a sinking fund – to reserve one third of the total invested each year for 3 years.
  • Members to get €3k returned after 3 years or leave in scheme at the same rate.
  • An investor committee to be set up to represent investors.

Outlook for 2023 and future years.

  • Sentiment for 2023 very buoyant.
  • Strong US dollar.
  • Raising CS profile in golf tourism.
  • Value of bookings for 2023 up 100% on 2022.
  • Healthy operating surplus
  • Very positive economic outlook.

 Car park facilities:

  • Expand front & rear car parks.
  • Resurface completely in tarmacadam.
  • Lined car parking spaces
  • Provide 2 disabled spaces.
  • EV charging cabling.
  • Drainage and ducting.

Practice Area

  • A detailed set of drawings / maps by Ken Kearney (Golf Architect)
  • Grant application with Ken Kearney submitted in Feb. 2022
  • Club awarded €76,690 awarded in grant funding.
  • Tendered in Nov. 2022
  • Preferred bidder selected in Dec. 2022.
  • Work to start Jan. 2023 (if approved).
  • 6 – 8 weeks project.

 Upgrade includes.

  • Expanded 18 hole putting green.
  • New chipping/ Short game area.
  • Practice bunkers
  • Practice driving bays.
  • New pathways
  • Irrigation works.

 Gerry gave a detailed report on the proposed groundworks and the setting of new boundaries and on the electrics, drainage and resurfacing.

Charlie Barry (Finance Manager) gave a report of club finances, the reasons for the development and also a detailed summary of the costs involved and also on the debenture scheme.

Car Park prep. Surfacing/ Lining €212,455

Vat                                                    €28,681

Practice area development          €110,408

Vat                                                    €16,029

Assume 5% Contingency              €18,378

Total                                                 €385,952

Less Sports Capital Grant             (€76,690)

Approval required                        €309,262

After the presentations there was a lengthy Q&A session.

The motion (as outlined above) was then put to the members for approval.

Result of vote: Passed unanimously.

There followed a brief discussion on the next steps.


 Bhron Captaen na mBan (Nóirín) thar cheann na coistí  pictúir le Liam Ó Néill ar Steve de bhárr go raibh sé ag dul ar scor taréis blianta fada.



 AGM 2023 Reports


Tuarascáil an Chathaoirligh

Bhí an bhliain seo caite thar a bheith suntasach do Cheann Sibéal. Mar gheall ar scor Steve tar éis 32 bliain seirbhíse iontach don Chlub, earcú Cormac mar Bhainisteoir Ginearálta, an tionscadal bonneagair is mó ar tugadh faoi le blianta fada agus méadú mór eile ar líon na gCuairteoirí, is cinnte gur chruthaigh sé dóthain dúshláin.

 The past year has been very significant for Ceann Sibéal. Through the retirement of Steve following a remarkable 32 years of service to the Club, the recruitment of Cormac as General Manager, the largest infrastructural project undertaken for many years and a further large increase in Visitor numbers, it has presented many challenges.

Add to that the continued excellence of the course, well acknowledged by Members and Visitors alike and it is clear that our Management and Staff performed exceptionally over the year.

 Chomh maith leis sin rinneamar ceiliúradh ar 50 bliain ó thosaigh an imirt i mBaile Uachtarach le himeacht an-taitneamhach a thug aitheantas d’obair laochúil ár mbunaitheoirí.

 We also marked the 50th Anniversary of start of play in Baile ‘n Uachtarach with a very enjoyable event acknowledging the heroic work of our founders.

 As many of our Members may have experienced in their own organisations, transition to new management involves a serious amount of work and trying to progress the changeover while dealing with an unprecedented number of Visitors created some serious pressure for our Management and Staff, particularly in the Pro Shop. If there were times when the phone was not answered or an email request not promptly dealt with, it reflected that pressure.

 In the next few months, as things become quieter, we will focus on completing the necessary changes to ensure a smooth-running, efficient operation for next year.

 I want to thank Cormac and all our Staff for their terrific work under pressure. I also want to acknowledge the great work done, particularly by Gerry Keane and JJ in completing the Car Park and Practice Ground projects within budget. The Ceilliúradh was also a very successful event and great credit is due to Deaglán in putting together a Sub-committee and delivering an event worthy of the occasion.

 Comhghairdeachas lenár gCaptaein, Dan agus Nóirín freisin, sílim go raibh an clár gailf ar fheabhas i rith na bliana agus le Miriam as on sár-obair ar son an Chlub Sóisear.

 So, a  year of achievement but as always, it simply highlights how much more we have to do but with the benefit of some recent planning, we are well positioned to prepare for the coming year and a successful future.

Denis Power




Management Report

It is hard to believe that it’s been a year since the AGM 2022 where the main discussion points were the impending retirement of Steve and the substantial plans for developing our car park, arrivals area and short game practice and warm up area. It has been a short 12 months to say the least!

 The new carpark layout and short game and warm up area has been very well received and feedback from members and returning visitors alike has been very positive.

 Below is a breakdown of green fee rounds and revenues by category for the 2022-2023 season.

Green fee headlines

  • Total Green fees income this year was €499k from 7676 rounds.
  • In addition we had 13242 member rounds (recorded).
  • Overall green fee income increased by 32% on prior year – an increase of €118k.
  • Overall green fee rounds increased by 20% on prior year.
  • International visitors accounted for 34% of total rounds and 62% of total revenues.
  • Society rounds, member guest and golf Ireland member rounds accounted for 49% of total rounds and 31% of total revenues.
  • Income from Tour operators was our highest ever at €130k – 27% of total income.
  • 12 % of visitor rounds were booked online, accounting for 21% of our green fee income.
  • Society rounds were flat with prior year, but society revenues were up 11%.

 It has clearly been a fantastic year from a green fee income perspective. It is vital we continue to grow this revenue stream so that we can further fund the necessary continued improvements to our course and clubhouse in the coming years. This does not necessarily mean more visitor rounds, but it will mean that we must manage our tee sheet and green fee rates prudently and effectively. It is imperative we maximise green fee revenue in order to ensure any increase to the member subscription is as small as possible.

Membership income too was well up on prior year. We’ve had 26 full members join or rejoin the club this year and over 50 take up beginner membership. We’ve also had many 3rd level student members sign up, and the junior programme had its best year to date and was very well managed by Miriam, Colette and Ann who put in great effort and deserve huge credit for their work.

When it comes to membership it is not all about financial performance of course, but it is important we monitor and manage our membership categories and strive to treat every member in as fair and transparent manner as possible in line with our Club Constitution. This off season will provide an opportunity to bring all membership records, databases and procedures fully up to date so as to allow us to provide a consistent level of support and service to all our members going into 2024 and beyond.

So, in closing whilst it has undoubtedly been a great year for the club, there are still many areas of the operation with plenty room for improvement. We are looking forward to using the off season to implement the necessary tweaks that will allow us to further improve our overall product and service for members and visitors to enjoy next season and beyond.

Finally I’d like to thank all the team here for their efforts throughout the busy season. JJ, Declan, Pat, Ferghal and Michael on the golf course, Paul, Judy, Michelle and Aoife in the proshop and of course Steve who remains the answer to most of the questions that arise around this club! David and his team upstairs who never fail to surpass expectations with product and service. I’d also like to acknowledge the support and encouragement (and sometimes patience!) of the Management Committee members. Well done to Nóirín and Dan in their respective roles and best of luck to incoming Captains Orla and Deaglán and their Committees for the year ahead.

Go raibh maith agaibh.

Le meas,

Cormac Flannery.



 Tuairisc ó Chaptaen na mBan 2023

 Ba mhór an onóir domsa bheith mar Chaptaen na mBan I mbliana. Bhí bliain iontach againn. It was great to see that equal access to the timesheet was successfully implemented this year.

We had a wide variety of competition formats, including four Opens, all made possible by the generous sponsorship of many of you members and quite a few local businesses, plus of course Toyota Ireland.

Chuala sibh na tuairiscí ó ár Runaí Mary, Cisteoir Fíona, Runaí Chómortais Máire agus ár Runaí Buntáiste Cora.

D’oibrigh gach duine acu go dian ar son ‘Ceann Sibéal’ ag cinntiú go raibh gach rud i gceart.

Míle buíochas do mo Leas -Chaptaen Orla, d’oibríomar go maith le chéile i gcónaí. D’Iar- Chaptaen Margot as mé a spreagadh. Do bhaill an choiste Ger, Regina & Majella a d’oibrigh go dian I rith na bliana ag cur Ceann Sibéal chun chinn. Gach rath ar Mháire tá sí ag imeacht ón gcoiste tar éisana chuid ama a chaitheamh ag obair ar son mná Cheann Sibéal. D’Úachtarán Maura, your words of advice and wisdom all year were invaluable & a special word of thanks to you for organising our memorable committee outing to Tralee in April. Bhí lá iontach againn. Míle buíochas daoibh go léir. Buíochas le Miriam Horgan and Ann Moore for managing and running the JUNIOR Club and Ann for her work on the Development plan, Helena a bhí ar an gcoiste bainistíochta & Collette Flannery who was our designated liaison officer.

 D’oibríodar go léir go dian dícheallach ar ár son I rith na bliana.

 Go raibh mile maith agaibh go léir.

 We have had some memorable occasions during the year. Thanks to you all for making Lá Chaptaein na mBan so special for me. A special word of thanks to you all for your very generous donations, on both Lá Úachtaráin Maura & on Lá Chaptaein na mBan, nuair a bhailíomar €1,570 i gcóir Camphill & the Hospice.

Buíochas le Eibhlín Ní Shéagdha, ár ngriangrafadóir don ceiliúradh 50 bliain & ar lá Chaptaein na mBan.

Buíochas le Bernie & Margaret for running Our Senior Ladies club throughout the year. Bhí turas ana thaithneamhach againn go Co. an Chláir. We were delighted to be able to field six teams for Inter Club competitions. Thanks to all who volunteered for teams & caddies who so ably & proudly represented our club throughout the county.  Míle buíochas le gach éinne a d’imir agus a imríonn ar son Cheann Sibéal. Gan dearmad a dhéanamh ar ár mbainisteóirí. Buíochas speisialta do Bhláithín a bhí mar bhainisteoir ar trífhoireann.

Go raibh fada buan tú Bláithín. Buíochas le Orla as an Get into Golf a rith I mbliana agus dos na mná a chabhraigh léi. To Cormac for his commitment to this group & for coaching the ladies for Interclub teams.

I would like to acknowledge the excellent work of everyone involved in the running of the Club, Ceann Sibéal. Their professionalism, commitment and foresight is greatly appreciated. Starting with Denis Power and the Management Committee. Secretary Manager Cormac and the office staff, JJ and the course staff, and not forgetting David & his catering & bar staff who are second to none.

Ba mhaith liom comhbhrón a chur in iúil dóibh siúd a chaill gaolta I rith na bliana. Suaimhneas síoraí agus leaba i measc na naomh go raibh acu.  Bhí bliain thar na bearta againn agus tá a fhios agam go leanfaidh  sé sin faoi stiúr Orla agus a coiste. Gach rath orthu & ar Ghalf chumann Cheann Sibéal don bhliain seo chugainn agus sa todchaí.

Choosing a nominee to take on the responsibility of captain don bhliain seo chugainn was easy. Her enthusiasm, charisma, organisational skills and commitment to the club make Orla Barry the obvious candidate and I am so happy she accepted. It gives me great pleasure to nominate Orla to the position of Captaen na mBan 2024. Maura McKenna has seconded her nomination and as there is no other candidate, Orla is deemed elected.

Go raibh míle maith agaibh go léir.

Le meas,

Nóirín Uí Shúilleabháin.





Galf Chumann Ceann Sibéal

Coiste na bhFear

Tuairisc an Chaptaein 2023


I am delighted to have this opportunity to present my report for 2023.

It was a great honour & privilege for me to be Men’s Captain of Galf Chumann Ceann Sibéal & for giving me the opportunity I must thank my predecessor Micheál Linehan.

My initial thoughts are what a busy year we had. There were several highlights & I will remind you of just a few of them.

Equal access to the timesheet for all was implemented without a problem & accepted by all. This is a credit to all our members. Now is an opportune time to thank Coiste na mBan for all their help & cooperation throughout the year. Focal speisialta do Captaen na mBan Noirín Uí Shuilleabhain. Noirín mile buiochas for your friendship, cooperation, support and encouragement.

The major Car Park upgrade & new putting and chipping greens are a huge addition & are acknowledged as such by both members and visitors alike. This project was a real team effort of Coist Bainiosttiochta able led by Denis Power, front office led by Cormac, course staff led by JJ & members in the Debenture Scheme. Special mention to Gerry Keane for his huge input on the Coiste Bainiiostiochta side. The project is just one example of the great work being done by Management often behind the scenes & often unknown.

Ceiliuradh 50 Bliain. What a great celebration we had. Again great credit to Management & especially to the subcommittee set up to arrange the event brilliantly led by leas Captaen Deaglán Ó Bric. Mile buiochas chomh maith do David O Connor & his team for their lovely food on the night & for the ongoing service & standard of the Bialann which they provide to members & visitors. The Restaurant is one of our many attractions.

Great work is being done by Miriam Horgan & her team in developing & progressing  The Junior Golf Programme. This along with The Get into Golf classes are vital for our clubs future given our current age profile.

 There is a long list of people I wish to thank & the length of this list does not lessen the sincerity of the Mile Buiochas.

Leas Captaen Deaglan & Uachtaran Gearoid for your friendship, time input & being there when I needed you.

Coiste na bhFear & go hairaithe the Officers for your experience, advice & volunteerism.

JJ Corduff & the course staff for the continuing excellence of the course & the ongoing improvements.

Front of house Cormac, Steve, Judy, Paul, Michell & lately Aoife who greet members & visitors alike & enhance all our experience.

A special buiochas to those who stepped up to the plate to manage Inter club teams & also to those who represented the club on those teams.

We are very grateful to all our sponsors & especially the continuing support of Toyota Ireland & the Ward Family.

There are many mote who have not been mentioned who volunteer for the club & give their time & effort in various ways. What you do is important.

Ba mhath liom chomh maith buiochas a gabhail to the many members who approached me during the year with good wishes & kind words.

Best of luck to Deaglan & all the incoming club officers in your endeavours during 2024 for the benefit of us all.

Guim gach rath ar Galf Chumann Ceann Sibeal as seo amach.

 Ar aghaidh le Ceann Sibeal.

 Captaen na bhFear

Dan Crowley




Course Report 20/23

 New Practice Facility & Car Park

 The new works began on the 14th of February this year and it took six weeks to build. The weather was poor at times but didn’t delay the construction by too long. The new putting green took longer than expected to grow in, mainly due to weather conditions but we are happy with where it’s at right now. The club has employed the STRI, an agronomy consultancy company and we were advised to leave it closed until next year to ensure good root development and grass cover. We are delighted to have such a facility at Ceann Sibéal and to have come in on budget with such a big development is a great achievement by all involved.


The greens programme we are working with is still the program we believe will work for us long term. Improving soil health is key to growing the grass species we want in the sward which will provide smooth, true playing surfaces over the entire year.

We recently over seeded the greens and approaches which leads to a little disruption for a couple of weeks. This is necessary work which is carried out twice a year.

As the weather deteriorates I would urge all members and guests to please repair pitchmarks.

 Greens Surrounds, Fairways and Approaches

We are working continuously on a program to improve all these areas. Again the STRI are helping us on all course improvement plans.

Winter Works

As always we will be continuing our aeration program over the coming months getting tees greens fairways etc all done between now and the end of year.

I’d like to thank all the members who took the time to do the survey recently. Any future development planning will take all suggestions made by our members (and guests) into consideration.

 I would like to thank my staff for their commitment over the past year, especially during the new practice area and car park redevelopment.

Finally I would like to thank Gerry, Cormac, Steve & the Management committee for their continued support throughout the year.

 Míle Buiochas,

JJ Corduff







Ciorcal Comhrá – fé mar a bhí déanta le cúpla bliain anuas chun an Ghaeilge a neartú agus a leathnú imeasc baill sa Chlub, rinneadh iarracht san Earrach Ciorcal Comhrá a eagrú do bhaill le tacaíocht ó Thobar Dhuibhne. Ar chúpla cúis níor éirigh leis an iarracht i mbliana. Déanfar iarracht aris go luath.

(As in previous years an attempt was made early in the year with assistance from Tobar Dhuibhne to organise a Ciorcal Comhrá for members who wished to practice and/or improve their Gaeilge. For a variety of reasons it didn’t go ahead but hopefully it can be facilitated before long).


Ceiliúradh 50 Bliain – bhí an Ghaeige lárnach sa togra seo ar fad. Cinneadh go mbeadh ainm an fheachtais as Gaeilge amháin. Bhí an fhógraíocht go léir dhátheangach. Léiríodh stádas na Gaeilge sa Chlub d'aíonna agus baill ar oíche an Cheiliúrtha san fháiltiú agus san óráid a rinne an Cathaoirleach agus thar aon rud eile Gaeilge ar fad a bhí ar an mBonn speisíalta a dearadh le bronnadh ar Bhunaitheoirí an Chlub ag léiriú ómós agus buíochas na mball leo.

(Not only in the title of the event but in all the publicity and promotion of “Ceiliúradh 50 Bliain” and during the actual event itself in the Chairman’s welcoming words and address to guests and members present the status of Gaeilge in Ceann Sibéal was very evident. On the specially commissioned medallion presented to the Founding Members or their relatives our respect and appreciation for their vision and achievement was expressed as Gaeilge).


Ainmneacha na bPoll – blianta ó shin cuireadh ainm le gach poll ar an gcúrsa.  Tá sracfhéachaint iontach sna hainmneacha sin ar Stair, Béaloideas, Tírdhreach agus gnéithe eile do thimpeallacht an cheantair. Nuair a bhí deontas ar fáil chuige cúpla bliain ó shin cinneadh ar na hainmneacha atá ‘i bhfolach’ ar bhealach ar an Cárta Scóir, a chur in airde ar phlaiceanna timpeall an chúrsa. Mar eolas do bhaill ar bheagán Gaeilge agus do chuairteoirí gan Ghaeilge cuireadh míniú as Béarla leis na hainmneacha. Tá fáilte agus moladh nach beag cloiste againn faoi na plaiceanna ó cuireadh in airde iad i mbliana. Ar an láimh eile tá cúpla ball a shíleann go mba cheart leagan Gaeilge de na focail mhínithe a chur in airde freisin agus tá an cúram sin idir lámha ag an gCoiste Bainistíochta faoi láthair.

(Some years after the course was constructed each hole was assigned a specific name as Gaeilge. The names provide a glimpse of aspects of the course or of the surrounding area. Elements of local history, folklore, topography are among those highlighted in the names. When a grant became available for course sinage a few years ago it was decided to make these names more visible on name-plates adjacent to the tee-boxes as they might easily be ignored on the scorecards. For the benefit  of members with little or no Gaeilge and with non-Irish speaking visitors also in mind a short explanation in English of the Irish names was added. Since they were erected earlier this year there has benn a lot of positive feedback from members and visitors about the name-plates. A number of members have also expressed a wish to have the explanations of the Irish names as Gaeilge also and the Management Committee is currently dealing with that matter).



Comórtas Clainne – le cúpla bliain táthar ag smaoineamh ar Chomórtas Ghalf Náisiúnta a bheadh eagraithe as Gaeilge ó thus deireadh a reachtáil i gCeann Sibéal gach bliain. Tugadh faoi sin a thástáil ar bhonn áitiúil i mbliana mar chuid de Sheachtain Toyota nuair a fógraíodh ‘Cómórtas Clainne’ don Aoine 7ú Iúil. Dá néireodh leis bhí sé i gceist an comórtas a leathnú amach d’réir a chéile sa todhchaí. Cé gur chuir roinnt daoine ón gclub isteach ar an gcomórtas  bhí an-dhíomá orainn nár léirigh níos mó baill le Gaeilge suim ann. Mar a thárla toisc doineann ar an lá cuireadh an comórtas ar cheal. Bainfear triail eile as é a reachtáil an bhliain seo chugainn agus súil againn le breis tacaíochta ó bhaill an chlub. Bheadh an-fháilte roimh moladh ar bith faoin gcomórtas.

(The idea of Galf Chumann Ceann Sibéal hosting an annual golf competition organised and run totally as Gaeilge was suggested a few years ago. Hoping to organise it initially on a local basis and if successful to promote it nationally, Comórtas Clainne was to held on July 7th as part of this year's Seachtain Toyota. While a small number of our members entered for the competition it was disappointing that many Irish speaking members did not support it. As it happened the very poor weather that week led to Comórtas Clainne being cancelled. It is planned to organise the competition again next year and ideas about its planning and format would be welcomed).



Annual Report Junior Club 2023

 Junior Committee

  • A junior committee was set up comprising of volunteers – Ann Moore, Colette Flannery (Child Protection Role) and Miriam Horgan. On reviewing the year, it was felt that the junior committee should be expanded. It could include junior parents, but should also include experienced golfers if the junior club is to be sustainable.


  • The junior committee compiled a spreadsheet containing pertinent information regarding each junior member. This information included contact information for the parent/guardian, which was then used to inform parents of activities.
  • Where the membership application form, that was developed by the junior committee, was used, juniors and their parents completed code of behaviour forms, in accordance with Golf Ireland guidelines.
  • A more streamlined approach to junior membership application procedures should be developed in order to ensure complete compliance with all relevant aspects of junior participation. It would also ensure the development of an accurate, up-to-date membership database.

 Child Protection

  • Garda vetting forms were given to parents to be completed.
  • Child Protection information is displayed in the foyer, as required by law.
  • Members of the subcommittee undertook child protection training which was offered by golf Ireland.


  • Weekly session for year 2 golfers on golf course on Saturdays to get handicaps and also separately to practice golf sixes.
  • First year group were on the practice ground with drills at 5pm Saturdays, parents helping with drills as required.
  • The year worked well; the children who participated in the group sessions run by volunteers got a lot out of the sessions. These children were year 1 and Year 2 participants.
  • However, the junior programme could be more structured; this was deemed to be particularly necessary for year 1 children, whose parents do not play golf. If members of committee were unavailable (and two of these are away members), the Saturday sessions did not run. On other occasions, thanks to the generosity of a very small number of senior lady golfers and the men’s captain, a large group of junior golfers was facilitated and very small group tuition was enabled.
  • The golf pro, who is also the general manager was not available on Saturdays for the juniors. The Thursday coaching did not suit many members as there were often clashes with other team sports. The year 2 golfers had four coaching sessions and the year 1 three sessions. Enhanced involvement by a golf pro or assistant would be beneficial for next year. It was felt that volunteers have sufficient knowledge and skill to help with the beginners, but the more experienced children need more input from experienced golfers.

Golf Sixes Competition

  • Organised by West Kerry golf Clubs in conjunction with Munster Branch, Ceann Sibéal Golf Club entered this competition for the first time in 2023.
  • The requirements of the competition were as follows: children aged under 13 on 1/1/2023; the team consists of 6 players (minimum of 2 girls and 2 boys); maximum of twelve players on the panel; six holes would be played, with a pairing from one club (and a volunteer) going out with a pairing from another club.
  • Four different clubs hosted the matches played – Tralee Golf Club, Dooks Golf Club, Killarney Golf Club and Kanturk Golf Club.
  • Clubs who participated were: Ballybunion, Tralee, Killarney, Dooks, Kenmare, Kanturk and Ceann Sibéal.
  • The junior committee agreed that the focus would be on children enjoying the experience.
  • A policy framework was developed for selection of players.
  • It was obvious that the children who participated really enjoyed the experience and their golf certainly improved.




Planning Update October 2023

 A Planning Working Group of Des Ball. Tom Hoare, Rory McAvinue, Ann O'Higgins, Muireann O'Farrell, Mary O'Driscoll, Regina Prendeville & Frank Wall, facilitated by Ann Moore, are preparing a refresh of the Club Development Plan. Currently, they are completing the consultation phase of the planning process.

 Planning workshops

So far, the Group has consulted with the Management, Mens, Ladies and Junior Committees and staff to confirm the Club's overall purpose and special values. They have also facilitated workshops with members and staff to confirm the Club's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT). This SWOT exercise produced the following findings.

 Strengths *The Course *Our staff *Gaeilge *Good Governance *Our picturesque location *Good access to timesheet *growing visitor numbers *Bar & Restaurant *Friendly & welcoming atmosphere *Value for money

Weaknesses *Staff accommodation - offices & sheds *Outdated admin systems *Uneven tee boxes *Lack of young members *Poor member records *Pace of play at times *Clubhouse decor *Age profile of volunteers *committees working in silos *Remote location *Slippy stone bridges *Visitors appear more welcome than members * Collecting visitor feedback

Opportunitie *Planning towards sustainability *Conservation projects - bees, flora and fauna *Create a bible of how to run the Club to ensure consistent Club management *underused timesheet *build seamless, One Club committee structures *Ryder Cup in Adare

Threats *Legislation for restricting herbicide and pesticide use *High prices of Dingle accommodation *Recession *War *Fuel costs *Another pandemic *Takeover by private golf tourism enterprise

The Working Group shared the findings of the SWOT with the Management Committee at their September meeting.

Member surveys

A survey of parents of Junior members, who participated in this year’s structured Junior Programme, is underway, and the findings will be available in due course.

Adult members of Ceann SIbéal were recently invited to participate in a member survey. The survey attracted feedback from over 170 members. The purpose of the survey was to gauge member satisfaction levels across various aspects of Club life such as: the Course, the Clubhouse, the Pro Shop, Competition Golf, Social events and overall Management and Customer Service levels at the Club.

Overall, there is a high level of satisfaction with the Club, and the Club scored favourably across most areas when compared with the national average for other golf clubs that had completed the same survey.

 In short:

Members scored 9.48 out of 10 for recommending the Club to a friend or relative.

Members strongly agree that the annual Club subscription is good value for money

The Golf Course

Members scored the importance of Course condition at 9.39 out of 10.

Greens and fairways score the highest, and members want to see improvements to the condition of the tee boxes, the rough and bunkers.

Senior members want access to forward tees as an option.

Some members also expressed interest in developing a covered driving range with Trackman or similar electronic training aids.

 The Clubhouse

  • Members rated the Clubhouse at 7.79 out of 10
  • This was the topic which received the most additional comments from members.
  • Members expressed a need for upgrades and improvements to various aspects of the clubhouse, including the showers, toilets, locker rooms, furniture.
  • The furniture, decor and acoustics of the bar are mentioned as well as requests for additional space for members in the bar and restaurant during high season.
  • Accessibility to the first floor for people with a disability was also highlighted.

 Visitors at Ceann Sibéal

  • 8 out of 10 Members are satisfied with the volume of visitors playing the course.
  • Most members would prefer to see more visitors in order to keep the annual subscription down.
  • There is a perception that visitors are becoming more important than members
  • Suggestions are made to prioritise member tee times during specific months or times of the year to ensure full-paying members have sufficient access to the course.
  • There are some concerns about the slow pace of play when visitors are on the course.


The Pro Shop

  • Members rank the Pro Shop service at 7.62 out of 10
  • Value for money in professional/retail shop is rated at 5.80
  • Members mention concerns about the pricing of club apparel in the shop, with suggestions for more affordable options for members.

Bar and Restaurant

  • Members rank the food in the restaurant at 9.38 out of 10.
  • Many members express overall satisfaction with the restaurant service.

 Customer Service

  • Quality and friendliness of staff across all services is rated 9.33 out of 10
  • Members consistently praise the club staff, emphasising their friendliness, professionalism, and overall excellence.
  • Some members express concerns about the consistency and quality of service in the

Pro Shop.

  • While the friendliness of the club is commended, there are suggestions for

improvements in administrative services, such as the booking system (BRS) and


 Competition Golf

  • Members agree that there is adequate competition golf available to them.
  • Members would like to see shorter competitions such as 9 or 13 holes.

 Social events

  • Members agree that there are enough social events provided by the Club.
  • The recent 50th celebrations received much praise from members.

 Overall management of the Club

  • Members’ overall satisfaction with the Club is rated at 8.89 out of 10.
  • Some members express concerns about financial transparency, including the management of the Debenture Scheme.
  • Members praise the management committee for transforming the club, making it more inclusive, and improving the golf course.

 Next Steps

The Working Group is currently re-drafting the overarching vision & mission for the Club for the next 5 years and will share this with members soon..

The vision and mission will provide the framework within which the detailed operational plans for the Club will be drafted and operational goals will be set.

The Working Group will work with the various stakeholders to draft high-level plans for developing the Club over the next 5 years. The final Draft plan will be presented to the incoming Management Committee for approval and implementation.