AGM 2022
Clár / Agenda AGM/CCB 2022
- Miontuairiscí CCB 2021 / Minutes of AGM 2021
- Tuairisc an Chathaoirleach / Cathaoirleach’s Report
- Cuntas Airgeadais / Financial Accounts
- Toghchán imiúchóir / Election of Auditors
- Tuairisc an Chaptaein / Golf Captains’ Reports
- Tuairisc Bhallraíochta / Membership Report
- Tuairisc an Chursa / Course Report
- Pleanáil / Planning Report
- Tuairisc Galf as Gaeilge / Galf as Gaeilge Report
- Tuairisc na margaíocht agus cumarsáide / Marketing & Communications Report
- Tuaraisc Áitreabh / Premises Report
- Sláinte agus sabháilteacht / Health & Safety
- One Club/Women in Golf
- Toghchán ball choiste / Election of members to serve on the Management Committee. Mens’ Club nominee: Denis Power. Elected member nominees: Helena Uí Churráin & Charlie Barry
- Uachtaráin 2023 / Announcement of names of incoming Presidents
- Táille bliantúil / Fixing of annual subscription and green fees for 2023
- Aon Ghnó eile / Any other business
Minutes of 2021 AGM
Sa Chathaoir: Ann Moore
I Láthair: 59 members participated via Zoom Webinar.
Apologies received from 4 members for their inability to participate.
Tuairisc an Chathaoirligh (Ann Moore): Circulated in advance
Club Planning – engaged with Golf Ireland in their pilot “Empower 360”
- Technology – two club admin systems used now- BRS for tee times and Handicap master for competitions.
- Financial Planning- cash flow forecasting becoming the norm, €41k received in grant aid, Application for Sports Capital grant made
- Women in golf charter- CS to deliver equal access to the timesheet and competition golf within 2 years.
- Membership- recruiting new members and better facilities for skills development.
- Communications Planning-a club communications calendar was proposed
- Risk Management Register- the development of a business risk register for CS to be reviewed and updated periodically.
Lockdown activities
- Annual sub cycle moved from January to March
- Back to golf series of webinars & ciorcal comhrá
- Marketing Ceann Sibéal
- Course signage project
- Clubhouse customer service
- Junior golf structures
- Toyota Open week
- Condolences
- Volunteering
Miontuairiscí / Minutes
The minutes of the previous AGM held on 24th October 2020 were circulated in advance (and available on the club website) were read and approved. Proposed by Rosemary Sayers and seconded by Manfred Krieger.
Nithe Astu / Matters Arising
Ní raibh faic.
Tuarascáil an Chistóra / Treasurer’s Report Circulated in advance
Denis Power, Steve Fahy and Eoin Barrett read and explained the treasures report for the year ended 30th Sept. 2021. The auditor produced bar charts / graphs showing income from membership fees / age analysis for Ladies & Gents.
Treasurer’s Report proposed by Ann Moore and seconded Rosemary Sayers.
Ath-Cheapadh an Iniúchóra / Election of Auditor’s Seán O’Sullivan & Co. reappointed as auditors. Proposed by Steve Fahy & Seconded by Denis Power.
All the following reports were circulated in advance of the AGM (All reports proposed by Ann Moore and Seconded by Denis Power)
Captaen na mBan (Rosemary Sayers):
An honour to be Captaen na mBan this year.
Decided not to seek any commercial sponsorship for the weekly competitions. Exception being Strand House- shocked and saddened on the passing of Christy. Thanked her committee, members and all staff for their efforts.
Rosemary also thanked Patrick, Elfriede and Kate.
Captaen na bhFear (Patrick Farrell):
Patrick thanked Coiste na bhFear, Mgt Committee, Rosemary and her Coiste. Thanked the team managers and all the players who played in all the inter club competitions. Also all the staff for their contribution in a difficult year.
Wished in coming Captaen Michéal an enjoyable 2022.
Tuarascáil an Chúrsa / Course Report ( J J Corduff):
Greens: following a greens maintenance program started 2 years ago. Not using fungicides
All about getting soil organics in a healthy position Compost tea brewing done in house
Aeration: started earlier and got more benefit due to lockdown All tee boxes aerated
Machinery: all machinery sharpened in house over the winter months Overseeding: Carried out twice per year. 100% fescue seed.
Greens pot-seeded for the 1st time using a procore.
Surrounds & Approaches: introduced more fescue and eradicate weed grasses. Development: Areas on 14/15 and 16 re-shaped ( Ken Kearney and SOL Golf). Staff: 2 extra staff employed during the summer- divot bags filled, bunkers raked and devoting tee done on a daily basis.
Tuairisc ón Oifigeach Cumarsáide / Communications Report(Gráinne Rigney):
Members survey conducted in December- 150 responses. Participated in the Golf Ire “Empower 360” planning programme.
Communicated regularly about covid safety measures and newsletters issued throughout the year.
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram very active- thanks to the volunteers.
Membership Committee (Margot Wall):
- Retain and grow memberships
- Advertising campaign for beginner golfers during May 32 availed - 14 ladies & 18 gents
- 1st beginners’ 9 hole scramble in Sept.
Tuarascáil an Chlubaras/ Clubhouse Report :
Little opportunity to do any work on the clubhouse or carpark. Developed / expanded the outdoor dining area
New premises Sub-Committee established to work on the issues with clubhouse & carpark. Currently awaiting proposals from Wilson Architects to improve the overall appearance.
Tuairisc Sláinte & Sabháltachta / Health & Safety Report
Fire & Health Officers passed all critical areas. No safety incidents reported.
Structural repairs to roof of machinery shed. Fuel tank replaced.
Tuarascáil Pleanála / Planning Report :
Reported on in the Cathaoirleach & Communications reports
Toghchán ball go dtí an gCoiste Bainistíochta
Election of Voting Member to serve on Management Committee:
Ladies Club nominee: Miriam Horgan (Gráinne Rigney retiring)
Elected member Nominee: (Michael Murphy retiring)
Gerry Keane- Proposed by Denis Power and Seconded by Ann Moore As Gerry was the only nominee- deemed elected.
Uachtaráin 2021:
Margot Wall announced that Gerlinde Floegel was the incoming Uachtarán na mBan And Patrick Farrell announced that Finbar Cahill was the incoming Uachtarán na bhFear.
Táille Bhliantúil /Annual Subscription & Green Fee rate for 2022.
Management Committee proposed the following: No change in the member’s subscription for 2022.
Both Kevin O’Doherty & Dan Crowley referred to the age profile of the members and the progression of new members from beginner member to paying the full sub
No additional business / discussion.
Galf Chumann Ceann Sibéal
Annual AGM Report 2022
Management Committee: Denis Power(Cathaoirleach & Premises), Miriam Horgan (Finance Manager), Gerry Keane (Course), Ann Moore (Communications), Deaglán Ó Bric (Golf as Gaeilge), Margot Wall & Nóirín UÍ Shúilleabháin (Ladies Committee), Micheál Lenihan & Dan Crowley (Men’s Committee), Steve Fahy (Secretary Manager)
It is good to be able to report a very good year for Ceann Sibéal; we emerged from the restrictions arising from Covid-19 in good shape, and as you will see from our Finance Report andAuditedAccounts, the year to end of September has seen a very significant increase in Green Fees.
To mention a couple of important outcomes, first the appointment of Cormac Flannery in January as Sales & Marketing Manager to put in place an effective Marketing Plan and promote the club to all sectors.
Secondly, we were successful in our application for a Sports Capital Grant to support the redevelopment of our Short Game PracticeArea - our grant of €76,690 was the result of an excellent application put together by a strong team.
I want to thank those who have worked so hard and so well to provide an excellent experience for our members and visitors, in particular our Management and Staff, David O’Connor and his team and the Committees, Sub-Committees and other groups.
Looking to the year ahead, you will see that we plan to expand and refurbish our Car Park in tandem with the redevelopment of the Short GameArea. The Course Development programme will continue over the winter and spring months and we hope to progress the longer term development plan for our Premises to identify in particular how we want our Clubhouse to progress in future years.
Steve’s decision to retire at the end of 2022 marks the approach of the end of an era and a contribution to Ceann Sibéal which has been phenomenal. We will have the opportunity to mark both the event and the contribution later in the year.
We will also mark another significant event during 2023 as it will be 50 years since the first year’s play on this site. We must recognise the vision, the courage and the tenacity of those involved in that historic endeavour.
Finally, I would congratulate the outgoing Captains, Margot and Micheál on a very successful year, the result of their commitment to their roles and I wish Nóirín and Dan a very enjoyable experience in the coming year.
- Denis Power, Cathaoirleach
Dingle Golf Links Ceann Sibéal AGM 2022
Interim Finance Report
As is customary, our Audited Accounts will be presented at the AGM on Saturday 29th October next, the purpose of this brief report is to provide a summary of the Financial Performance during the year to 30th September 2022.
Following on from two years affected by Covid-19 restrictions, this year was extremely busy with a large number of overseas visitors, particularly from the USA playing in Ceann Sibéal. Green Fee revenues were up approximately 57% on 2020/2021. This was very welcome and I must pay particular thanks to Steve and Paul on the huge work that they undertook in order to ensure our visitors had a very positive experience. Our significantly enhanced online presence and increased marketing, undertaken by Cormac must also have contributed to this increase in revenue.
Membership was marginally down on 2020/2021, although this should be rectified when the few remaining members with balances owing have their accounts up-to-date. These members have been contacted.
We have had a good financial year this year. In addition to normal expenditure, significant money has been spent on course upgrade and in upgrading our golf cart fleet. In addition, money has also been spent on clubhouse upgrade, all of which is very welcome. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, the immediate future looks good for Ceann Sibéal.
We also applied for and obtained a grant worth €8000 to be spent on training and equipment for our junior members. Other lesser grants have also been received, bringing the total to €11,064.
Some Indicators vs 2021, 2020 and 2019
To 30/09/2022 |
To 30/09/2021 |
To 30/09/2020 |
To 30/09/2019 |
Membership (incl. Levies) |
€165 |
€198k |
€177k |
€161k |
Green Fees |
€365k |
€168k |
€130k |
€257k |
Competition Profits |
€21k |
€41k |
€20k |
€17k |
Club and Caddy Car Hire |
€35k* |
€19k |
€17k |
€39k |
*This is profit following expenditure on upgrading the golf fleet.
Expenditure Items |
To 30/09/2022 |
To 30/09/2021 |
To 30/09/2020 |
To 30/09/2019 |
Wages |
€264 |
€214k |
€150k |
€225k |
Course Development & Maintenance/expenditure |
€140K |
€123k |
€55k |
€62k |
Clubhouse Maintenance/expenditure |
€19k |
€28k |
€25k |
€20k |
Promotion & Advertising |
€11k |
€9k |
€14k |
€15k |
*investment in new rough and fairway mowers included in Course €140k.
To view the 2022 Financial Statements in full please click the below link;
Change of Role
I will be stepping down following the AGM as Bainisteoir Airgeadais and I want to thank Steve and Denis, our previous Bainisteoir Airgeadais, for their help and support as I undertook this role during the last year.
I also must thank my Finance Sub-Committee who have provided much-needed support and expertise during my time in the role. Thank you sincerely to Roger Barrett, Mary O’Driscoll and Seamus Scally.
Miriam Horgan,
Bainisteoir Airgeadais
Ba mhór an onóir domsa bheith mar Chaptaen na mBan le bliain anuas.
Bhí blian ana-taitneamhach again go léir. Just one competition was postponed due to weather. We had a variety of competition formats, including four Opens, all made possible by the generous sponsorship of many of you members and quite a few local businesses - plus, of course, Toyota Ireland. My warmest thanks to you, & them, all.
You will have noted the reports from our Rúnaí Orla, Cisteoir Fiona, Rúnaí Chomórtais Máire, Rúnaí Buntáiste Cora. It’s obvious that these ladies have worked tirelessly & unselfishly on our behalf throughout the year. I couldn’t have managed without them. My grateful thanks to them; to my Leas-Captaen Nóirín, she always had my back; to Iar-Captaen Rosemary for her advice; to Committee members Ger, who worked hard on sourcing prizes, Fiona who gave sound advice regarding beginners & Ann O’Higgins, a legend in her own lifetime. Good luck to Rosemary, Fiona & Ann on their retirement from committee. My thanks to Uachtarán Gerlinde for accepting this role – she was a pleasure to work with.
We returned to having prize presentations during high season, with some very attractive prize tables. However, I have to say that attendance was disappointing.
We have had some memorable occasions. The highlight for me was Lady Captain’s Day, which was very well attended. Important for me too was meeting the residents and staff of Camphill Community, Dingle to whom we donated €1500.
We were delighted to be able to field six teams for interclub campaigns. We are immensely proud of the Senior Ladies Joe Quinlan Foursomes Team, which prevailed in the final against a determined Tralee side. Táimíd chomh bhródúil as ár bhfoireann agus as ár mBainisteoir Bláithín Ní Bhric.
Success at golf & within the club generally, doesn’t happen without a lot of commitment & dedication from a whole range of people, most of whom are volunteers.
My thanks to the following:
My committee, as already mentioned;
Nuala Lordan, & now Bernie Firtéar, for running the Senior Ladies;
All of the ladies who volunteered for teams and who so ably & proudly represented our club around the county;
Muiríde Crowley for so competently representing our Club in managing the Junior Alliance & making a profit which she donated to 2 charities;
Ann Moore, for her dogged persistence in getting the Junior Club up & running & to Miriam Horgan & Eibhlín Ní Sheadha for accepting pivotal roles within the Junior Club; Ann is also a Women in Golf Charter Champion, along with Denis Power.
Nóirín Uí Shúilleabháin, for shepherding the 15 new ladies, & also the men, in this year’s Get into Golf, getting them playing scrambles. Also Cormac Flannery for his commitment to this group & to coaching the ladies, above & beyond what was expected. Equally, the many ladies who volunteered to help Nóirín - also those members who continue to mentor some of last year’s beginners.
David O’Connor & his restaurant team, they just keep getting better & better;
JJ & his team who maintain & constantly improve our wonderful course.
My thanks to Denis & all the members of the Management Committee for their collegiality but more so for their hard work and dedication, always striving to move forward. In that context, the Management Committee has agreed on the principle that, next year, men and ladies will have equal access to timesheet and competition. The aim is to provide the opportunity to play competitive golf to women & girls who cannot play during Monday to Friday. This must be done to honour the Club’s commitment to Women in Golf. Over the next few months, the new Captains and their committees will work on the modalities of how this will work in practice.
Ba mhaith liom comhbhrón a ghabháil leo siúd a chaill gaolta i rith na bliana. Club na mBan is a closeknit group, we share each other’s joys and losses. I know for certain this will continue under the able leadership of our next Captain and Committee. Gach rath orthu agus ar Galf Cumann Cheann Sibeal don bhlian seo chughainn agus sa todchaí.
Choosing a nominee to take on the responsibility of Captain next year was easy. Her charisma, enthusiasm & commitment to the Club made Nóirín Uí Shúilleabháin the obvious candidate and I am so happy she accepted. It gives me great pleasure to nominate Nóirín to the position of Captaen na mBan 2023. Máire Ni Mhaoileoin has already seconded her nomination and as there is no other candidate, Nóirín is deemed elected.
Go raibh míle maith agaibh.
Margot Wall
Mens’ Captain’s Report
The mens club started off in November with all counting competitions, we decided that since we would be playing off the mats that counting competitions should remain in place. The numbers playing on Sundays were very good with over 50 playing on some Sundays., which would be very good considering the time of year.
We decided to bring back the spring league and it was a great idea, there was a lot of interest in it and hopefully it will only go from strength to strength, we also decided to run the ventry cup and a club fourball and they also were a great success! All of the mens club teams were out of their respective competitions by early July but all the players represented the club gallantly.
The numbers playing in Sunday competitions was very high which is great to see and also it’s great to see so many of the next generation playing in competitions. My captains prize was held on the 7th august, there was a great turn out and I was blessed that the weather was so good, once again congratulations to the winner Colm Lundon.
Last but not least I would like to thank all of the people that sponsored competitions during the year and I’d like to thank JJ Corduff and all his team, the course is in top class shape, also a big thanks to Paul and Steve in the office for all their help during the year and to the Management Committee for their support.
Finally thank you to the mens committee for everything during the year, all the positions are voluntary and these men do a lot of great work for our club. The mens club is in a great position financially and long may this continue!!!
Le meas Micheál Lenihan
Ceann Sibeal Course Report 21/22
We continued to follow the same greens maintenance programme this year as we have been using in the last five years while adding some new organic products to improve soil health. We over seeded the greens with 100% fescue seed in the past two weeks and they are recovering nicely. Maintaining them through the winter is always challenging, so please ensure members are constantly reminded to always repair pitchmarks.
Tee Boxes:
All Tee Boxes were over seeded and top dressed with sand in the last month. The seed has germinated, and an application of fertiliser was also applied this week. Please use the divot mix provided especially on the par 3’s
Aeration will commence next month and all areas including, Tee boxes, Fairways. Greens and Walkways will be aerated between now and the end of the year.
February 2022 saw us start the next phase of the Ken Kearney’s Course Improvement Programme adding Sandscapes between the 7th and 8th Holes along with two new bunkers, one on the right and one on the left side of the 7th Fairway. This winter we will continue to implement another phase of that Programme and are planning to close the two back bunkers on the 11th green creating run offs instead and also replacing the bunker in front of the 11th green with two pot bunkers side by side. We also plan to add more Sandscapes in between the 11th and 14th fairways and in between the lower half of the 13th and the lower half of the 11th fairways .
We had three extra summer staff this year which helped to keep the condition of the Course up to standard during the busiest time of the year. These summer staff carried out various duties including filling divot bags, moving the Tee markers and raking the bunkers everyday including Saturday and Sundays while regularly emptying the rubbish bins . This allowed the full time staff to mow more regularly during the busy summer season.
Thanks to all the members who turned out for the Meitheals we had during the summer. They cleaned the stream which had become covered with weeds in certain areas and refilled all fairways divots with the sand-seed mix. Mile buiochas libh go léir a chabhraigh linn.
Machinery & Servicing:
We purchased a rough mower and a fairway mower this year (both 2nd hand). All machinery servicing and all cutting equipment sharpening is carried out in house.
Finally, I would like to thank Gerry Keane and the Management Committee for their continued support during the year.
Míle buiochas libh.
JJ Corduff
Planning Report
The design submitted as part of our successful application for the Sports Capital Grant to redevelop our PracticeArea involved using a portion of the existing Car Park.
This in turn, required us to examine options to address Car Park capacity - already under pressure on busy days.
Following extensive study, our chosen approach is to redesign the PracticeArea to fit within the area including the current Putting and Chipping Greens and the old 1st Tee pad and to increase the capacity of the current Car Park.
This will be done by removing the current ‘island’ and reducing the depth of mounding surrounding both the front and rear Car Parks.
The attached diagrams show both the redesigned PracticeArea and the proposed Car Park layout.
Consulting Engineers O Shea Leader, who specialise in Car Park design have estimated that following this design and with properly lined parking spaces, we could increase capacity from an estimated figure of 79 spaces currently to a maximum of 135 spaces.
We also plan to address a long standing requirement for secure storage for our buggies/golf carts which we can accomplish by sacrificing the 11 spaces shown to the left of the rear Car Park and building a storage into the mounding. 124 spaces is considered to be more than adequate into the future. We also plan to accommodate a number of EV Chargers into the design in the rear Car Park
The combined cost of this development is significant (even allowing for the already approved Grant ) and will require the approval of members at an EGM. We plan to schedule the EGM for the post Christmas period where the designs will be described in more detail, firmer costings given and a financing plan will be outlined.
Ken Kearney Golf Design retains the intellectual property to all matters contained herein until paid for in full by the client
Galf as Gaeilge.
Is dlúthchuid do Ghalf Chumann Cheann Sibéal an Ghaeilge ón gcéad lá riamh. Tá 'san fior fós. Cuireann Steve agus Paul fáilte roimh cuairteoirí agus baill as Gaeilge más léir go bhfuil dúil acu a ngnó a dhéanamh as Gaeilge agus tá fógraí timpell an Chlubtheach ag iarraidh daoine a spreagadh an Ghaeilge a úsáid. Is minic a cloister an Ghaeilge in úsáid sa Clubtheach ar ócáidí foirmealta, le linn comhráití, amuigh ar an gcúrsa agus sa charrchlós freisin.
(The use of Gaeilge continues to be a regular feature of our Club. Steve and Paul are always prepared to assist visitors and members as Gaeilge if they so wish and Gaeilge is frequently heard spoken on formal and informal occasions around the Clubhouse and out on the course.)
Is ag iarraidh tacú leis an dtraidisiún atá sa club in aon slí is féidir atá an Coiste Bainistaíochta. D'éirigh linn dhá Chiorcal Cainte a eagrú ar Zoom le linn 2021 agus ritheadh ceann eile in Earrach na Bliana seo. Ghlac breis is 30 ball páirt 'sna Ciorcail Cainte sin agus ón aiseolas atá faighte againn d'éirigh go han-mhaith leo.
(The Management Committee is attempting to support that aspect of Club life in whatever way possible. Following two successful Conversation Circles in 2021, another was organised this year. Over 30 members participated in these).
Moladh eile a tháinig ó na baill ná go reachtálfaí comórtaisí "beaga" ó am go ham ina mbeadh béim ar úsáid na Gaeilge. Faraor níor éirigh linn é sin a dhéanamh i mbliana ach beimid ag súil é sin a chur ina gceart an bhliain seo chugainn. Tá plé déanta againn freisin ar Chomórtas Náisiúnta Bliaintiúil a bhunú sa Chlub a reachtálfaí go hiomlán as Gaeilge. Cuirfear tús leis sin an bhliain seo chugainn más féidir in aon chor.
(Some members have expressed an interest in having regular "small" competitions which would be organised fully as Gaeilge. We did not manage to do that in 2022 but we would hope to commence them during the coming year. We have discussed the idea of staging an Annual Open Golf Competition in Ceann Sibéal which would be organised and run as Gaeilge and we hope to commence that in 2023.)
Tá fhios againn go léir go bhfuil oidhreact shaibhir sa cheantar thart timpeall ar ár gClub. Tá fonn orainn aitheantas a thabhairt don oidhreacht sin sa Chlub in aon slí is féidir. Rud amháin atá déanta againn ná plaiceanna a réiteach le hainmneacha na bpoll as Gaeilge, mar atá ón gcéad lá, agus míniú gearr as Béarla curtha leo ag freastal ar chuairteoirí agus baill chun eolas éigin a fháil ar ghnéithe áirithe den cheantar. Táimid ag súil go mbeidh na plaiceanna san curtha in áirde go luath anois.
(We are conscious of the uniquely rich heritage of the area around Ceann Sibéal and we are anxious to recognise and promote that in some practical ways. We have prepared plaques with the well established names of each hole as Gaeilge and brief explanations in English of those names to help visitors and indeed members to better appreciate some features of the environs of our club. These are due to be erected around the course shortly.)
Beidh an-fháilte ag an gCoiste roimh moladh ar bith i dtaobh conas gur féidir linn An Ghaeilge agus ár nOidhreacht a leathnú sa Chlub.
(The Management Committee will welcome any suggestions from members regarding ways in which we can further develop and promote Galf as Gaeilge in our Club.
Deaglán Ó Bric.
Sales and Marketing Report 2022
This year was our first year with a focus on the sales and marketing of the club. We acknowledge the support of Údarás na Gaeltachta in this endeavour.
Back in January an exercise was conducted on our green fee rounds and revenues by category dating back 5 years. The purpose of this was to establish where we are (and we were) in terms of what market segments exist within our green fee income. This exercise allowed us to identify the different categories and see how many rounds are played within each one, and how much revenue that was worth to the club. The exercise also allowed us to identify average green fee achieved for each category and the resultant data is the basis for the starting point of our marketing plan going forward.
Our goal this year was primarily an awareness campaign. We wanted to let as many people know about Ceann Sibeal as possible. This aim of this goal was to increase green fee revenue across all categories. The starting point for this was the creation of databases for the different categories – visitors, societies, tour operators etc. The means of communication used were email campaigns, social media, website, phone calls and in person meetings. The main points conveyed was that Ceann Sibeal is open for business. The course continues to improve in the Irish Golf Course rankings and offers excellent value for money. Our clubhouse restaurant is second to none and should be part of any visit to the club, and the surrounding area on the Peninsula and town of Dingle offers fantastic accommodation and activity options etc.
On the ground we wanted to improve overall experience at Ceann Sibeal, and this year particular focus was on tour operator business and those groups referred to us from other golf clubs. We did a lot more ‘meet and greets’ with groups, some had complimentary Dingle Whiskey on arrival or post round, we got the caddy programme up and running. When golfers were out on the course we did show arounds for drivers and operators both at the club and around the surrounding countryside – anything that will help them sell Ceann Sibeal in 2023 and beyond. We worked with local accommodation providers and got print collateral and offers out to hotels and B&B’s to offer their guests. We worked with DPTA on some visiting groups and were featured on their pavilion at the Big E Fair in West Springfield. We attended golf trade shows such as the PGA Show in Jan, the Irish Golf Convention in September and the Irish Golf Tour Operators Association National Conference earlier this month.
Overall, we had an excellent year from a green fee income perspective as you have seen – our highest total green fees on record. Our income from tour operators was almost double that of the best year we ever had with them prior to this year – and thankfully that is only the beginning! We are currently circulating our 2023 rates and updated images and video content to those operators and golf media partnerships, and we already have seen thousands of euros worth of bookings for next year from operators and more enquiries come in every day. Hopefully we can proceed with the short game/warm up area this Spring and continue to improve the golf course and clubhouse ahead of this coming season. Our current website requires a huge overhaul and work is already underway on this front also.
Our goal for next season is to deliver on the improved overall experience promised this year for golfing visitors and to exceed expectations at every touch point at the club. This will not only ensure that 2023 sees continued growth in green fee/proshop/services/F&B income, but it will also justify the green fee rate increases we have planned for 2024 and beyond. To dangerously reference a certain political party’s campaign slogan from some years ago – ‘a lot done, more to do!’.
Dingle Golf Links Ceann Sibéal AGM 2022 Premises Report
While we made some progress on Premises this year, we are not quite where we hoped to be, particularly with regards to a longer term plan for the Clubhouse.
Since our report to AGM 2021, we received a proposal from Frank O'Mahony, MD of Wilson Architects to support the Club in the development of a plan for Clubhouse improvement over a number of years.
Frank proposed a number of 'Quick Hits' as a first phase which included repainting the Clubhouse and completing work on the Outdoor Dining Area where we installed the glass panels and faced the west facing walls with stonework. Both outcomes have been widely welcomed.
It was planned to look at the longer term plan in the autumn which would initially involve consulting members on how they would like to see the Clubhouse improved.
We are behind on this, as other priorities arose. It will be essential that we appoint a Cathaoirleach to take responsibility for Premises in the coming year to ensure progress.
I would wish to acknowledge the support and co-operation of the Sub-Committee of Ger Buttimer, David Heaton, Fiona Mulcahy and Páidí Ó'Sé and also the support provided by Peter Mackay to source and select a Painting Contractor.
Denis Power
Ceann Sibeal Safety Report for 2022
We have no incidents or near misses to report this 2022 season.
A H&S Audit was carried by an external Safety Company - Ayrton - in April this year.
There were a number of issues highlighted all of which have been dealt with, save the netting to be installed between the 5th Tee Box and the Maintenance area. This is planned as part of the overall Course winter season work.
Also, the safety lift was installed in the Maintenance workshop which was a recommendation from a previous H&S audit.
One Club Model project - End of Year Report
Background to One Club.
The former GUI (male) and ILGU (female) golfing unions merged into One Governing Body in 2019. This produced a more streamlined Munster Branch support structure for both the Mens and Ladies Committees of Ceann Sibéal, i.e. they have the same Munster Branch point of contact. It makes sense for efficiency therefore, that Clubs align themselves with the Golf Ireland structure and form One Club.
To assess the readiness of Ceann Sibéal members to proceed to forming One Club, a member survey was completed earlier in the Summer. The survey showed that members are in strong agreement to move towards some form of One Club Structure.
What are the One Club Model Options available to Golf Ireland affiliated Golf Clubs?
One Golf Committee and subcommittees with equal gender balance
One Handicap and Fixtures committee as a subset of the Golf Committee Choose to have One Club Captain and one Club President, rotating annually (male/female)
Maintain the male and female Golf Committees Maintain separate Handicap and Fixtures committees
Retain male and female Captains & Presidents (Golf Ireland recommends one Club President rotating annually male/female)
Maintain the male and female Golf Committees
Merge the Subcommittees (Competitions Subcommittee, Handicap Subcommittee etc)
Fact check on current status at Ceann Sibéal
- Currently, there are two separate, but identically structured Golf Committees - Male and Female
- There are two Captains, two vice Captains and two presidents
- Two Club Secretaries, Treasurers, Handicap and Competition Secretaries.
- Constitutionally, the male and female sections are separate entities, but both governed by identical Protocols under the Club Constitution.
- The two Committees have separateAGMs
- Members feel that the male and female sections of the Club are well-run.
- The two Committees work well together when required.
A further fact check was completed identifying the similarities and differences between how the male and female sections of the Club are run. For example, how the annual fixtures list is developed? How are Handicaps managed? How sponsorship is managed? How are the weekly Competitions managed? How Finances are managed? Inter-Club Teams etc. Obligations and privileges of the Captains, Presidents and Officers “Honorary” positions? How would the Club Constitution need to be changed?
On completion of this fact check, it will be possible to use the data to determine how best to proceed in some kind of phased approach to forming One Club.
Women in Golf Report 2022
- Ensure signage and notice boards around the course and clubhouse, reflect the equal status of men and women in our Club
- A Membership Committee will review golf activities to ensure that the Club provides family-friendly golf activities to meet the needs of our members.
- Keep Members informed of Inter-Club matches and results for all teams
Item |
Action |
Status |
Due date |
Owner |
1 |
Signage |
1.1 |
Instal new gender neutral course signage |
Colour coded directional signs in stalled |
Achieved |
April 2022 |
Course Committee/ greenkeeping team |
1.2 |
Remove gender specific signage (i.e. Mens Tees/Ladies Tees) from the course |
Mná/Fir signs removed from the course |
Achieved |
October 2022 |
Course Committee/ Greenkeeping team |
1.3 |
Review Clubhouse signage to ensure equal status of men and women |
Done |
Achieved |
April 2022 |
Premises Committee |
2 |
Provide family-friendly golf activities |
2.1 |
Form membership committee to review golf activities |
Captains and vice-Captains working on revised competition calendar for 2023 |
In progress |
April 2022 |
Membership Committee |
2.3 |
Conduct member survey to help identify best golf activities for families
Introduce family friendly activities based on survey results |
Family friendly scrambles ran throughout the summer months
Junior golf coaching programme ran during summer months |
Achieved / Ongoing review |
April 2022
May 2022 |
Membership Committee & Communicati ons team
Membership, Mens, Ladies and Junior Committees |
3 |
Inter-Club matches |
3.1 |
Publish dates of all Inter-Club matches |
Partially successful - some, but not all dates published. Work in progress for next year. |
Incomplete |
June 2022 |
Team Managers and Communications team |
3.2 |
Publish team panels in advance of matches |
Some, but not all team panels published |
Incomplete |
June 2022 |
Team Managers and Communications team |
3.3 |
Inform members of results of Inter-Club matches within 24 hours |
Some, but not all results published |
Incomplete |
June 2022 |
Team Managers and Communications team |
- Continue to run Get Into Golf for Women each year
- Target other sports clubs and schools to recruit women and girls into our Club
- Encourage women to serve on Committees and provide appropriate golf club governance training for all new Committee members regardless of gender.
Item |
Action |
Status |
Due date |
Owner |
4. |
Get Into Golf for women and Girls |
4.1 |
Continue to run Get Into Golf for women and girls each year |
Get Into Golf programme ran throughout the summer months. |
Achieved |
Septem ber 2022 |
Ladies Committee |
5 |
Target sports and schools |
5.1 |
Target local sports clubs and schools to recruit girls and women |
New Junior girls were recruited into the summer coaching programme. |
Achieved |
May 2022 |
Membership Committee |
6. |
Enable women to serve on Committees |
6.1 |
Encourage women to serve on Committees. |
Ongoing |
In progress |
Septem ber 2022 |
6.3 |
Identify and sign up to Golf Club Governance training for all existing Committee Members male and female
Prepare and provide induction training for all new Committee members |
Incoming Captains to attend Golf Ireland Captain’s workshop in Mallow
Outgoing Cathaoirleach to provide |
In progress
In progress |
May 2022
Novemb er 2022 |
Management Committee |
- Continue to ensure that the Management Committee of Ceann Sibéal is comprised of at least 30% male and 30% female in line with our Club Constitution
- Equal access to the timesheet and competition is based on membership, and not on gender
Item |
Action |
Status |
Due date |
Owner |
30%:30%:40% balance |
7. |
Ensure compliance with Club Constitution regarding Committee elections |
Achieved for 2023 Committee |
Achieved |
Constan t |
Cathaoirleach Coiste Bainistíochta |
8. |
Equal access |
8.1 |
Provide equal access to timesheet for competition |
Working group of Captains and vice-Captains formed to prepare equal access competition schedule for 2023. Work in progress |
In progress |
March 2023 |
Management Committee |
8.2 |
Introduce equal access at selected weekends in 2022 |
Achieved. Examples: Corn na Fáínleoige, Toyota Open Singles. |
Achieved |
Summer 2022 |
Management Committee |
Junior Golf - end of year report 2022
The Management Committee adopted Golf Ireland’s Junior Policy and completed a Risk Review for Junior Golf. All regular volunteers were Garda vetted.
Summer Coaching Programme
During July andAugust, the Club ran an 8 week junior coaching programme. The programme included lessons from Cormac and practice exercises .
It was great to see the children make progress and become more skillful in their shot making. 7 girls and 8 boys graduated from the programme at the end of August. Huge thanks to the many parents who got involved in the programme. The programme couldn’t have happened without them Míle buíochas leo. The Junior programme will continue during the mid-term break.
Notable successes by Junior members
Michelle Sharkey reached the last 16 playoff stages of the Irish Girls Close Championships a fantastic achievement. She also represented Munster in the Under 18 Inter Provincial Tournament in July.
Comghairdeas le Roibeard Ó Luabhaing who had a very successful year playing on the KPMG Irish Kids Golf Tour.
Grant Funding
The Club received €8K in grant funding from Golf Ireland to go towards the purchase of Junior Golf training equipment.
Next steps
- Purchase training equipment to support our Junior golf programme
- Extend an invitation to all existing Junior members to engage in the development programme
- As part of the golf competition calendar for 2023, include Junior Golf competitions, so that more and more girls and boys can enjoy competition golf at Ceann Sibéal.
- Recruit a Junior Committee of parents and member volunteers to continue the development of Junior golf into 2023.
Ann Moore
Interim Junior Convenor